As part of Governor’s Day to Serve, the WV State Fire Marshal will be recruiting volunteers to reach communities throughout WV to hold installation events from September 9th to October 14th.
Fire Team USA is about bringing resources to help you enhance the fire protection that your community offers. Creating partnerships in the community and working with all stakeholders is important to improving the public policy on fire protection.
In the event of a fire, remember that every second counts! Fire is FAST! In less than 30 seconds a small flame can turn into a major fire, so you and your family must always be prepared. Escape plans help you get out of your home quickly. Twice each year, practice your home fire escape plan.
Tragically, many home fires are started by children playing with dangerous household items – especially lighters and matches. Taking sensible precautions in the home and teaching your child how to escape from a fire can help your family avoid this type of heartbreak.
Home fires can start and spread quickly, which is why we all need to be careful and educated when it comes to fire safety. Just a little bit of planning can make a big difference for your family.
Home fires can start and spread quickly, which is why we all need to be careful and educated when it comes to fire safety. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) develops and delivers fire prevention and safety education programs in partnership with other federal agencies, the fire and emergency response community, the media, and safety interest groups.